2019年5月3日 星期五

news.gov.hk - Top Story: James Lau meets ADB President

news.gov.hk - Top Story
news.gov.hk - Top Story - From Hong Kong's Information Services Department 
James Lau meets ADB President
May 2nd 2019, 16:00

Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury James Lau attended the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Nadi, Fiji today.


During his meeting with ADB President Takehiko Nakao, Mr Lau thanked the bank for supporting Hong Kong's capital markets through the issuance of US$472 million of bonds, including green bonds.


He said Hong Kong as a leading international financial centre strives to play an active role in supporting infrastructure development in Asia and urged ADB members to make use of the city's financial markets to raise green funding.


Mr Lau also offered to share Hong Kong's experience in promoting a digital economy and the use of insurance-linked securities to manage catastrophe risks.


He earlier attended the opening session of the ADB's annual meeting and the Governors' Roundtable, as well as various meetings and a lunch.


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